Thursday, November 24, 2016

What do you consider to be the best thing that could make you happy? Is it being loved or in love? Is it about doing certain things that you want to do and get the things that you want?

Different kinds of people have different perspectives about what would make them happy in life. Sometimes, a simple act of kindness shown towards another person is enough to bring happiness and joy for the whole day. Other times, receiving a hug or a simple token can bring joy to a lonely heart. However, in my opinion showing and giving out love to people is what could make you truly happy in life. Though it’s true that trusting and loving another human being is hard as you would have to open yourself to the chance of being betrayed and hurt, it still is worth the risk because you would never truly appreciate how happy you can be if you have never experienced sadness in all your life.

Now, you might be telling yourselves that “Is she nuts?” well truth be told, but sometimes we do not get to appreciate the things or people that we already have in our life until we lose them, same thing as being happy, we would never be contented and truly be happy in our life if we would not appreciate the persons and things that are already there. We aspire for more, thus the chance of ruining what we already have instead of building on the foundation that has been there already.

I think that being contented in love or in what you already have is the real road to happiness. For example, you can see less fortunate people being able to smile and celebrate life even if they have literally next to nothing while people who have everything still are not contented and are aspiring to gain a lot more things, thus, forgetting the ones that they already have and end up losing everything.

Therefore, I think that, the true act of love would be to selflessly engaged into making good relationships with the people we have and taking good care of the things that we have. Furthermore, by realizing that while it is good to aspire for more, we have to make sure that we are not jeopardizing anything while we are on our way to achieving greater things in life.

READ: The act of Love

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